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Schottky Thermal Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

Model:JSM-IT710HR InTouchScope
Spec:FESEM Schottky Thermal FEG
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Nowadays, not only resolution and analytical performance on the nanometer order, but also throughput in data acquisition are considered important. The newly born JSM-IT710HR is the fourth-generation model of JEOL's HR* series, which is based on the theme of "SEM that allows anyone to easily take high-resolution images.
The JSM-IT710HR makes users want to pursue beyond what has been seen, due to ease of operation with enhanced automatic functions and improved observation performance from a new detector

  • High resolution imaging in HV/LV/SE/BSE
  • Chemical analysis with integrated EDS
  • Automatic observation: Simple SEM/EDS
  • Low Vacuum Hybrid Secondary Electron Detector(LHSE)
  • Multi-touch screen control and wireless operation
  • Automatic SEM condition setup based on sample type
  • Simultaneous multiple live image and movie capture
  • Fast sample navigation at 5x – 600,000x magnifications
  • Smile View Premium with image sharpening, montaging, position alignment and overlay

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GATAN Inc. /U.S.A.
Oxford Instruments/U. K.
SPI Supplies/U. S. A.
tousimis/U. S. A.
System in Frontier Inc /Japan
Micro Support Co.,Ltd/Japan
Protochips Inc/U.S.A.
Deben UK Ltd.